Breast Implant
Breast implant is a kind of plastic surgery using silicone and operated by specialists. It consists of areola incision, underarm incision, and beneath breast incision. Although the surgery methods of female breast augmentation and breast implant of transgender are not different, there are some differences on physical conditions, i.e., skin of transgender is firmer with less fat than that of women. To obtain the best outcome, there are various options of breast augmentation to meet with demands of each person in order to obtain beautiful breasts with natural look.
There are 3 incision sites of breast implant as follows:
- Areola Incision
- Underarm Incision
- Beneath Breast Incision
Material Types of Artificial Breasts
- Silicone gel filled texture implant
- Silicone gel filled smooth implant
- Refilled Saline filled smooth implant
- Instant saline filled smooth implant
- Subglandular Insertion
This technique is suitable for persons with thick chest meat and silicone is placed above chest muscles but under breast tissues. This technique consumes a short period of surgery and recovery while the outcome is the most beautiful breast shape and position compared to other techniques. However, there is also higher level of the risk on fibrosis. This technique gives natural shaped breasts but silicon edge may be touched and seen after long period of surgery.
- Dual-Plane Insertion
This technique is suitable for persons with thin chest meat demanding firm breasts. Silicone will be placed under chest muscles and some parts of it may be placed above and under muscles giving firmer breasts. The edge of silicone may be found when touching underneath area of breasts but it still gives natural look with the less risk on fibrosis. However, it gives more pain than subglandular insertion.
- Submuscular Insertion
This technique is suitable for persons with thin chest meat demanding breasts with natural look. Silicone will be placed under chest muscles completely whereas chest muscles will support silicone therefore silicone will not be moved with the less risk on fibrosis. The patient will gain breasts with natural look but they may not be firm like those of the first two techniques as mentioned above.
The advantage of this method is that silicone will not be found when touching. However, this technique requires a skillful surgeon, long period of recovery, and anesthesia. This technique would be very painful after surgery but it is highly suitable for persons with thin chest meat who want to hide silicone edge completely.
Appropriate Qualifications of Patient Requiring Breast Implant
- The patient must have expectation based on reality.
- The patient must have stable mental condition.
- The patient must be healthy.
- The patient must not be pregnant.
- The patient must be 18 years old and older.